Season 4
Finding Your Healing Tribe on the Cancer Journey
As life would have it, I thought I knew the cancer world intimately with my son's journey until I received an IV cancer diagnosis of my own. It felt so close to the work of the Benjamin Goldberg Foundation that I had to share more about my healing tribe. The practitioners of osteopathic medicine, psychology, nutrition, reiki, acupuncture and herbs, massage, and meditation became a part of my treatment plans. In sharing this season of interviews, I hope to raise awareness of empowering ourselves with healing resources when facing cancer.

S4 EP1 Finding Your Healing Tribe P2
Wendy and Dr. Charlene Hudson discuss the importance of finding a team of practitioners right for you around a cancer diagnosis.

S4 EP2 EFT Tapping, a Healing Resource
Wendy discusses with Dr. Suzan Thompson Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) - Tapping as an integrated approach in therapy.

S4 EP3 Fasting for Chemotherapy
Wendy talks with Shaye Arluk, MS, RD, and cancer survivor about fasting and its benefits during chemotherapy treatments.

S4 EP4 Meditation for Cancer
Wendy talks with Rev. Kari Caldwell about meditation and its role in healing on the cancer journey.

S4 EP5 A Wholistic Patient-Centered Approach to cancer
Wendy talks with Oscar Sierra, RH, about his passionate patient-centered approach to Cancer.

S4 EP6 The Mind|Body Connection and Cancer
Wendy talks with Massage Therapist Janet McCarthy about the Mind|Body Connection and Cancer.

S4 EP7 Reiki, A Cancer Resource
Wendy talks with Suzi Tortora, Jenn Whitley, and Wendy Miner on Reiki as a cancer resource.

S4 EP8 Healing Truths
Wendy talks with Dr. Sheetal Ajmani about the journey of healing.